Lapis Lazuli Meaning , Properties, and Use

Strength  - Courage - Wisdom

Chakras: Third eye, Throat

Zodiac: Sagittarius, Libra

Affirmation: It is safe for me to express my feelings and emotions

Lapis Lazuli meaning properties and use

Lapis Lazuli Overview

Lapis lazuli is a combination of minerals, including lazurite, pyrite, and calcite. The primary color of lapis lazuli is deep blue, and it often contains white veins or golden flecks of pyrite. Lapis lazuli is relatively soft and can be scratched or chipped easily. It is commonly used in jewelry and art, but it also has many spiritual applications.

Lapis lazuli is believed to have been used as far back as ancient Egypt, where it was a popular stone for jewelry and spiritual practices. It was also used as a pigment for painting and dyeing fabric. In the Middle Ages, lapis lazuli was highly valued and used to decorate churches and royal palaces.

Lapis Lazuli Meaning

Lapis lazuli has a deep and complex meaning. It is often associated with royalty, wisdom, and power. It is believed to be a stone of truth and protection, and is said to bring strength, courage, and inner peace. Lapis lazuli is also thought to bring clarity and understanding, allowing one to make wise decisions and find inner peace.

The color blue is often associated with intuition, creativity, and the ability to see beyond the physical world. As such, lapis lazuli is thought to encourage spiritual growth and exploration. It is believed to open the third eye chakra, allowing one to access their inner truth and spiritual guidance.

Lapis Lazuli Metaphysical Properties

Lapis lazuli is believed to have many metaphysical properties, including the following:

  • It is said to help one access their inner truth and spiritual guidance.

  • It is believed to open the third eye chakra, allowing one to access higher levels of consciousness.

  • It is said to bring clarity and understanding, allowing one to make wise decisions.

  • It is thought to be a stone of protection, warding off negative energy and shielding one from harm.

  • It is believed to bring strength, courage, and inner peace.

  • It is said to help one tap into their creative energy and tap into their intuition.

Suggestions for Use

Lapis lazuli is an incredibly powerful stone, and there are many ways to use it to access its healing and spiritual properties. Here are a few suggestions for how to use lapis lazuli in your daily life:

  • Wear it as jewelry. You can wear lapis lazuli as a necklace, bracelet, or ring to help access its healing and spiritual properties.

  • Meditate with it. Place a lapis lazuli stone on your third eye chakra and use it to help open your intuition and access higher levels of consciousness.

  • Place it in your home. Place a lapis lazuli stone in your home to help protect your space from negative energy and bring in positive vibes.

  • Use it in rituals. Use a lapis lazuli stone in rituals and ceremonies to help access its spiritual and metaphysical properties.

No matter how you choose to use it, lapis lazuli is an incredibly powerful stone with a deep and complex meaning. It has been used for centuries for its powerful healing properties and spiritual meaning, and it can be a powerful tool for accessing your inner truth and spiritual guidance.

If you’re looking for a powerful stone to help you access your intuition and spiritual guidance, lapis lazuli is a great choice. Its deep blue color and powerful metaphysical properties make it a powerful stone for accessing the spiritual realm. So, if you’re looking for a stone to help you access your inner truth and spiritual guidance, lapis lazuli is a great option.