
Selenite Crystal: Healing Properties,  And How to Use This High Vibration Stone

Selenite Crystal: Healing Properties, And How ...

Selenite is the transparent, gem-quality variety of the common mineral gypsum. It forms on, blade-like crystals made up of parallel sheets of rock. Color: Transparent, white, gray Hardness: 2 Qualities:...

Selenite Crystal: Healing Properties, And How ...

Selenite is the transparent, gem-quality variety of the common mineral gypsum. It forms on, blade-like crystals made up of parallel sheets of rock. Color: Transparent, white, gray Hardness: 2 Qualities:...

Tibetan Singing bowl set

Singing Bowls and the Chakras

According to Christopher Tompkins (Sanskrit scholar and yogi –, our current chakra system stems from Purnananda Swami who wrote about this one system (‘system of six chakras’) 500 years after...

Singing Bowls and the Chakras

According to Christopher Tompkins (Sanskrit scholar and yogi –, our current chakra system stems from Purnananda Swami who wrote about this one system (‘system of six chakras’) 500 years after...