Light up your intentions: A beginner's guide to using intention candles effectively

Light up your intentions: A beginner's guide to using intention candles effectively


What are intention candles and how do they work?

Intention candles are candles that have been infused with specific intentions. These intentions can vary from healing, love, abundance, protection, and more. By lighting these candles, we are essentially sending out our intentions to the universe, and allowing the energy of the candle to amplify and support our intentions.

Intention candles work in a similar way to other forms of candle magic. The candle itself represents the element of fire, which is associated with transformation and manifestation. When we light a candle, we are activating its energy, and using it to create change in our lives. By infusing the candle with our intentions, we are essentially programming it with our desires, and allowing it to work on our behalf.

Different types of intention candles

There are many different types of intention candles available, each with their own unique properties and benefits. Some of the most popular types of intention candles include herbal, crystal, and healing candles.

Herbal intention candles are made with herbs and essential oils that are associated with specific intentions. For example, a prosperity candle may be made with cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg, which are all herbs associated with abundance and success.

Crystal intention candles are made with crystals that are associated with specific intentions. For example, a love candle may be made with rose quartz, which is a crystal associated with love and relationships.

Healing intention candles are made with herbs and essential oils that are associated with healing and wellness. For example, an immune-boosting candle may be made with eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender, which are all herbs associated with healing and immune support.

Understanding the meaning behind intention candle burning

When we light an intention candle, we are essentially creating a sacred space for our intentions to manifest. The act of lighting the candle is a symbolic gesture that represents our commitment to our desires. As the candle burns, it releases its energy into the universe, and helps to amplify our intentions.

The color of the candle can also have symbolic significance. For example, a green candle may be used for abundance, while a pink candle may be used for love and relationships. It is important to choose a candle color that resonates with your intention, and that feels aligned with your energy.

How to use intention candles effectively - step by step guide

  1. Choose a candle that resonates with your intention. This can be a specific intention candle, or a plain candle that you have infused with your own intentions.
  2. Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can light your candle. This can be a meditation space, altar, or any place where you feel comfortable.
  3. Set your intention. Take a few moments to focus on your intention, and visualize it coming into fruition. You can also write your intention on a piece of paper and place it near the candle.
  4. Light the candle. As you light the candle, visualize your intention being activated and amplified by the energy of the flame.
  5. Allow the candle to burn for a set amount of time. This can be anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours, depending on the size and type of candle.
  6. Focus on your intention as the candle burns. Use this time to meditate, journal, or simply focus on your intention and visualize it coming into fruition.
  7. When the candle has burned down, take a moment to thank the universe for supporting your intentions.

How to use intention candles effectively

Tips for setting intentions with candles

  1. Be specific with your intentions. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for the universe to bring your desires into fruition.
  2. Use positive language. Instead of focusing on what you don't want, focus on what you do want. For example, instead of saying "I don't want to be broke," say "I am abundant and prosperous."
  3. Trust the process. Remember that the universe works in mysterious ways, and that your intentions may manifest in unexpected ways.
  4. Practice gratitude. Take time to thank the universe for supporting your intentions, and acknowledge any signs or synchronicities that may arise.

Choosing the right intention candle for your needs

When choosing an intention candle, it is important to consider your specific needs and desires. Some questions to ask yourself may include:

  • What area of my life do I want to focus on?
  • What specific intention do I want to set?
  • What type of candle resonates with my energy?

Once you have answered these questions, you can begin to explore different types of intention candles and choose one that feels aligned with your needs.

Best intention candles in Canada

Where to find intention candles in Canada

There are many places to find intention candles in Canada, both online and in-person. Some popular options include:

  • Spiritual and metaphysical shops
  • Etsy
  • Amazon
  • Local artisans and candlemakers

When choosing a place to purchase your intention candles, it is important to consider the quality of the candles, as well as the reputation of the seller.

If you're ready to light up your intentions with intention candles, check out our selection of high-quality candles made with love and intention.

Putting intentions into crystals - a guide

Another way to amplify your intentions is to put them into crystals. This is a simple process that can be done alongside your intention candle practice.

  1. Choose a crystal that resonates with your intention. For example, if you are setting an intention for love, you may choose rose quartz.
  2. Hold the crystal in your hands and visualize your intention being infused into the crystal.
  3. Place the crystal near your intention candle as it burns.
  4. After the candle has burned down, carry the crystal with you as a reminder of your intention.

Conclusion - incorporating intention candles into your daily routine

Intention candles can be a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and creating positive change in your life. By incorporating them into your daily routine, you can create a sacred space for your intentions to thrive. Whether you choose to use herbal, crystal, or healing candles, the key is to set your intention, trust the process, and allow the energy of the candle to support your desires. So go ahead and light up your intentions - the universe is waiting to support you.


If you're ready to light up your intentions with intention candles, check out our selection of high-quality candles made with love and intention.

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